ministry for the whole family

We believe that no matter what age, you can have a personal relationship with the Lord. Here at FWOC we have a passion to teach the Word of God to every age group on a level they can comprehend and enjoy. From the youngest to the oldest we all can experience a fulfilling life with Jesus. 

    M E T A L SHOP

    Marriage Enrichment Tools for Abiding in Love

    is a class for married couples to learn from the Word of God

    how to enjoy their covenant of marriage. 1st Sunday of every month at 9:00 am.

    Every 2nd Sunday   9:00 am

    Fellowship with Godly women

    centered around the Word.

    For men ages jr. high and up. Bible study every 3rd Sunday of the month at 9:00 am in the  youth room. 





    6TH GRade

    We'd love to know you're

    coming! please register your

    child if you are planning to  

    visit us. also, below are a

    few quick GUIDELINES for

    the fwoc children's ministry.

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